Thursday, July 28, 2005

Head Cha La

In one week`s time, the team will be out of Tokyo and off back to the UK (apart from me, I leave on Friday for Hong Kong). Geee man, time really flies.... the last few days, we have been preparing and having a kids camp....Taking care of 40 kids for 3 hours is probably the tiredest thing I have done on this mission!! I dont think I am as cut out for it as some of the others on the team!! Especially when they start to climb on you and practice their black belt karate... Anyhow, its all good stuff... The kids have learnt new songs, learnt a bit of english, learnt the story of Jesus and Jairus's daughter as well as a memory verse.... bare good stuff...

Yesterday, we had a dinner and karaoke night... great fun/good bantering.. some of the japanese were so nice.. they gave each team member individual presents ranging from bookmarks to sumo wrestler cards to 'make an onsen in your bath' to Dragon Ball Z charactors... kamekameha indeed... as usual, karoake was mental but great fun again... we all gladly sung the Dragon Ball Z theme tune..ahhh, memories of my youth... Ruth and Natanya sung Heart of Glass yet again...

Only a few more things before we leave.. we have kids camp again tomorrow morning followed by a Passion of the Christ Evening at night.. we will be showing the Passion (edited) and there will be a short talk.. Potentially its a powerful witness so pray that many peeps come to it... then on Saturday, we have an evangelistic dinner up North.. On Sunday, an evangelistic church service followed by a farewell party.. pray that many people will come and be touched by Jesus...

RIghty, thanx for reading once again... ummmmmm, some random very generalised stuff about Japan now such as
- When people wait to cross the road, they never wait in the sun... Always in the shade.. even if its 3 metres away; you gotta wait in the shade
- Gallery is a hard word for some Japanese speakers to pronounce.. apparantly they might spontaneously combust so use it with a lot of precaution...
- Boys dont give girls poems here... if they do, they are certified wierdos apparantly...
- Very limited speaking/no drinking/eating/talking on your cell phone on the train usually.. but if you can, watch an anime tv show on your cell phone, play on your PSP or just sleep... its all very civilised.. no one fights for a seat... if you ask someone to sit down, they are indebted to you!! and unless they can return the favour, apparantly its indebted for you for life!!!!! be careful who you offer a seat to!

Thanks you for reading....


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